Tips for a Great Santa Visit!

Let's make sure when Santa surfs down to your soiree, it's nothing but waves of fun! Follow these simple steps to ensure a smooth sleigh ride:

🎅 Santa Hotline: Whip out your best elf impression and provide the cell phone number of an event helper—someone who will keep their phone as handy as Santa's list.

🚗 VIP Sleigh Parking: Reserve a parking spot as close as you can to the entrance—Santa's not as young as he used to be, and his boots were made for ho-ho-ho'ing, not long walks!

👋 Elf Greeter: Have an elf-in-charge outside to guide Santa and help him load any presents into his magical sack.

🎉 Make an Entrance: Plan a show-stopping arrival for Santa. Get everyone singing a carol so when Santa walks in, it's like the jingle on top of the Christmas tree!

📸 Picture-Perfect Throne: Set up Santa's chair against a festive backdrop for those frame-worthy snaps. Remember, leave space behind for group photos—you'll want everyone in on this!

💌 Secret Santa Payment: Tuck Santa's thank-you card (with payment inside) into a Christmas card. It's a little less 'accounting department' and a little more 'North Pole'!

👧 Elf Herding: Keep the kiddos corralled and entertained while Santa prepares to dash away, dash away, dash away all!

🌬️ Keep Cool, Santa: It's Florida, and even Santa needs to chill. Have a fan ready to keep our main man from melting—it's tough work wearing velvet in the Sunshine State!

📷 Capture the Magic: If you don't have a professional photographer, nominate your friend with the snazziest phone and sharpest photo skills to capture the merry moments.

Ready to book your visit?
Let's make your event the jolliest jamboree this side of the North Pole!